Dena Briley

Online Strategist, Coach and Mentor

Helping you discover your full potential and success

Where Does Your Road Lead?

Hi, I’m Dena! I am dedicated and passionate about teaching strategies, coaching and mentoring people in the online world of business. Let’s explore and find what road leads to your successful destination.

 Meet Me

Hello and welcome! If you want to break free from the shackles of the day to day job you have come to the right place, I am dedicated and passionate in helping people build and market their own business online.

I want to take this time to give some brief information about me and my struggles, yearning for that day of freedom from the torment of that 8-5.

Throughout my lifetime I have always dreamed of working from home so I could have the freedom of working my own hours, not having a boss and really getting the chance to live and enjoy life.

Yes, like most people I drag myself out of bed every morning, drink down a cup of coffee, find something to wear, prepare for the day and finally out the door. Just to spend the next eight hours in agony just trying to get through the day.

I had found myself wishing my life away hoping the weekend was near or excited about that holiday time off that is coming up, basically living for the times I didn’t have to go to work. I imagine many of you can relate.

My Values & Beliefs

One must work diligently and stay focused to achieve success.

I believe to succeed you need to work hard and stay focused, put in the time and diligence to gain your path to success. Not often is someone offered a successful path without paying due diligence. One must know you are dependable and provide accountability.

Creating a Safe Environment develops trust and engagement.

When someone enters a safe environment and finds accomplishments acknowledged they feel a high level of trust and rapport; in turn, developing in more engagement and encourages them to become creative, confident and successful.

Listening to what others want to achieve while keeping an open mind.

Listening to others creates an environment to empower thoughts and ideals and keeping an open mind tends to help that person find a more unique and successful path to success. Listening grows the person.



Finally, tired of being a robot and completely fed up with my professional life I started looking at alternatives and a way to break free from the restrictions of the 8-5 job, not being in the place to just quit my job, I knew I had to find something part-time that would work into my schedule and give me hope that in the near future I can turn in my walking papers, telling my cubicle and the boss, goodbye.

Working online just makes since, over the last several years I have built websites, tried out network marketing again, without much luck, and tried affiliate marketing and even created a store for drop-shipping.

I finally figured out what I was doing wrong and understanding the strategies along with having a great coach and mentor that showed me the path, really inspires me to pay it forward, helping people just like you wanting to build an online business or learn network marketing the right way.

I have been involved with and after checking out many of the different online markets, I have found the perfect business roadmap. I have now mapped out my course and found my passion in sharing my strategies and information with you.

Yes! with the many years of knowledge that I have acquired, I have found my calling and ready to start my new chapter in my life. As you might be able to tell, I am excited and hope you will join me on my journey!

Are you ready to get started building an online business and making money online? If so, I am dedicated and passionate about directing you in the right direction and can help get you started and on your own journey to freedom. No matter if you are in network marketing, direct sales, affiliate marketing, drop-shipping or just getting started online. I can get you on the right track and looking forward to helping you succeed, when you succeed I have done my job as a coach and mentor.

It may seem overwhelming and it can be if you don’t follow the right path, however; most find it much easier than they ever imagined, no coding, just mostly point and click especially with all the great tools out there, even a 8 year old can build websites nowadays, and you will have me as your dedicated strategists, coach and mentor to help along the way.

Where Does Your Road Lead?

Let me know what you have tried and where you want to go on your journey.

My Approach

I want to pave the way to helping you build and market your online business and break the shackles of that dreaded day to day job or maybe you have already ditched that job and trying to find your way to a truly successful way of life.

If you are ready to apply yourself and learn, I want to take you on this journey with me. I know building your business online can seem really difficult and time consuming because I have been there; however, it does not have to be that way and I can give you access to my roadmap that will help you find the right direction and the right road to take for achieving success in the online world.

I really enjoy working with people to help them achieve their goals and you can expect I will do anything I can to help your get there. Success is not always easy and if you have been struggling online you already know this, but having someone to work with you can make your journey so much easier. When you succeed I feel that I have done my job and I enjoy the pleasures of watching you grow.

Don’t Wait Any Longer. Start Your Journey Today and Find Your Destination!


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